Press Clipping
Arsen Petrosyan, Charentsavan, Music for Armenian Duduk

The Armenian duduk is something like a cross between clarinet, a flute and an oboe in sound, which is to say that properly played it sounds like no other. It is furnished with a double-reed and ordinarily fashioned from apricot wood.

Arsen Petrosyan is a fabulous exponent of the instrument. He gives us a program of memorable folk and composed music on his beautiful Charentsavan: Music for Armenian Duduk (Pomegranate Music CD-1929).

He is accompanied by ensembles varying from a single dhol drum, Armenian harp or guitar to a larger ensemble. His tone and phrasing are nothing short of exquisite. Arsen is a master in every way.

So stunning is the music that my mid-eastern neighbors heard me playing the album and knocked on the wall to say they loved it! Now that's a testimony and I surely agree!
posted by grego applegate edwards at 5:28 am
labels: arsen petrosyan charentsavan music for armenian duduk gapplegate music review, duduk masters from armenia, world music armenian